
Sayonara, love.

Aku baru aja nangis.
Tau knp?

Pas gw lg ngbrlin soal topic yg gw tulis di my previous blog with my friend, tb2 aja ada yg ngetok pintu. Pas dibuka dr luar sm Dylan, ternyata ga cuma ada dia. Tp di blkgnya ada Audi. Kaget? Ya iyalah, masa ya iya dong (OH NO! Gw ga bs stop pake that stupid sentence).

Ternyata dia dateng untuk well, say good bye
obviously. Karena besok dia bakal balik ke Sydney, subuh. Hhh. Gw smpet kaget liat muka and cara ngmg dia yg super kaku, ternyata dia canggung gr2x sedih :(

The whole time, I just can't stop myself from hugging him. Coz I know, tonight
is the last time I could hug him. No one knows what's going to happen in the future, right?

Tiba2, dia ngasih gue kartu item gt di depannya gmbr Jack. Gw kr kyk dia ngasih pin gt HAHA, tp ternyata... it's even better.

Dia nulis 3 paragraphs saying a very meaningful thoughts, yg bikin gw WOW. Sedikit gombal sih
to be honest (no offence, by)... But, well gw tau dia ga bermaksud ngegombal. Krn Audi and the word "ngegombal" doesn't mix together. He's the worst penggombal I ever know (so far), which makes me loves him even more :)

I won't write the sentences, I'll show it to you!

I won't forget those 20 minutes we've spent for the last time, nushy. I won't and I promise.
Aku sayaaaaaaaang bgt sm kamu, and I'm going to really miss you a heck-bunch-of-fucking lot. I hope I could see you again by the end of this year, syg.


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