
Enchanted; dreams do/don't come true?

I want to cry right now...
I feel alone...
Well, I'm not literally alone but inside me, I feel really really alone. *sigh*

Nyokap gue hari ini ninggalin gue camping sama adek2 gue, dia blg sih cm sampe Jum'at tp dia tuh slalu ga nepatin apa yg dia blg, huu.. Gw smula ga ngrasa sendirian, tp org yg biasanya nemenin gue skrg udah gada... Itu bikin gue lebih ngrasa sendirian.

Hr ini saking betenya gue di rmh gada org, (ini br 1/2 hari) gw ngajak my friend named Natalia buat ke Poins Square beli dvd. Then we did. Ya and blablabla gw sampe rmh jam 1/2 5. Lngsg aja gw tontonin dvd gue, hr ini sih gw br ntn Enchanted. Yes, I know gw super ketinggalan jaman tp bodo amat ah. Ya so anyway, gw ngeliat scene trakhir where Robert and Giselle danced, sama Morgan (anaknya Robert) jg. Gw tb2 kepengen pnya family kyk gitu. Where I can danced crazily with my husband and (future) child, tanpa perlu ada beban apa pun. But then I realized, what Robert said in one of the scene from the movie ada benernya jg. He got a point about don't believe in fairy tales and stuffs.

We shouldn't dream we'll have a life like all those characters in the fairy tale books have, coz it won't come true. Not in this world, no. But then again, misalnya kt mikir cm dr that side of point of view, we're being skepticism (God! I learnt too much TOK). We also have to learn from another side of view, which allows us to believe in such things as "dreams do come true" or "... and so, they live happily ever after."

Because, by believing in such thing as "dreams do come true" and its friends, kita jadi termotivasi untuk ngeraih segala macam mimpi yg kita punya. So it isn't a bad thing after all, eh? But then again, pahit untuk bisa mempercayai realita bahwa all of the things that we wanted blom tentu bakal kita dapatkan. But the thing is, kita jangan cuma liat pada hasil akhirnya saja, kita juga musti liat proses dalam meraih hal tersebut. Terkadang, walau di akhir cerita kita gagal mendapatkan apapun yg ingin kita dapatkan, tapi bila kita pikir2 lagi... proses mencapai sesuatu tersebut terkadang bisa membuat kita lebih merasa bangga akan diri kita sendiri. Melihat bagaimana kita sebisa mungkin memikirkan akan segala macam cara untuk dapat berhasil mendapatkan apa yg kita mau, melihat segala jerih payah kita dalam berusaha... Dan the great thing is, hasil akhir itu adalah sebuah hadiah or a reward for us to be able to achieve whatever goals we're targeting on. Bukankah itu akan lebih menyenangkan lagi? :)


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