
The poets are just kids who didn't make it,

I never knew missing someone special to you could be this... hard.
I mean, I felt this kind of feelings earlier. Only, to a different kind of special person.

Geez, hr ini gw ngerasain namanya Jakarta itu ternyata luas jg ya. Thank God my mom dengan sangat baiknya masih mau nganterin gw les bsk (and hopefully until next Monday *amin*). So yes, I went to my photography lesson at Oktagon (Jln. Gunung Sahari Raya nomer 50 A [haha, gw sampe afal plus promosi coi!]). Daaammmmmmmmit, I hate Lia so bad for NOT telling me that the place was that far! Shitt. The worst thing is, ternyata oh ternyata Oktagon ada di Mampang (I think) and KEMANG! YA AMPUN! KEMAAAAAANG!! Itu JAUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHH lebih deket daripada gue musti ke... ke... err, wait a min gw sdikit lupa, oh! SALEMBA sana! Yg notabene, deket sekali ke Ancol! Tuhan, toloooong long loonnnnnnng :{

Tp, it doesn't really change anything sih. I can only took the basic ones in Mampang and Kemang, yg the second one I'm planning to take after this basic shit itu cuma ada peralatan terlengkapnya yaa di situ, di sebrang Ancol. Jd yaa, udah terlanjur gw kedaftar di sini. Soal yg I'm planning to take itu masih nanti2 lah yaa, chillax dulu aja. Lagian I'm not planning to take it until at least... err August? or September? Soalnya... Yaa, I just can't take in on July. Reason terkuat sih: gw males, haha :p

Anyway, speaking of my first day... Gw br sadar, ternyata there's a lot of basic skills that I should've known - but I didn't - about photography lohh, ck ck shame on me. Bahkan gw br tau ternyata pengaturan speed, diaframa (dude, I forgot how to spell that word), ISO tuh bisa diutak atik and it's actually pretty easy, haha (told you I suck Debbya!). Well, I know itu emg bs diutak atik, cm gatau di mana gw haha :P stupid! So yes, gw terlalu males tp in the end of the lesson, like.... an hour ato half an hour gt gw udh terlalu males dngrin lagi. It's not a really good idea to keep on going for 3 hours straight with no break, ya tipe2 kyk gw ini jd susah konsen. Lia tuh, gw g nyangka bgt dia super rajin nyatetnya (even tho I can't read her hand writing). Duh, I just wish bsk gw bs lbh bersemangat dan enthusiastic ikutan lesnya. Habis kan sayang bgt, jauh dan mahal nya triple! BBM, tol and yea the lesson fees.

I just can't wait until weekend, soalnya mau hunting : D
y a y ! !
nyaa nyaa nyaa...
bye people! :D

I miss you so much...


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