
Hey, stingy!

If you don't want to be offended, I recommend you to not read this blog. Soalnya gw bikin blog ini untuk mencaci maki satu orang, yg gw yakin org2 yg teteup maksa baca and read the description of the person pasti tau dia siapa. A personal message to that person: I'm sorry I wrote this, but seriously... You're getting on my nerves now, even though you haven't done quite a serious mistake directly to me. :) Happy reading!

Description of the victim:
  1. A global jaya student.
  2. No one (except one or two person) likes her.
  3. 9403L wannabes.
  4. It can track you down. It knows what are you going to do, go and with whom.
  5. I'm sorry, tp description yg ini ga mungkin ga gw tulis and gw yakin dengan nulis ini org lngsg pada tau. VERY S-T-I-N-G-Y and money is it only obsession!
Jadi gini, this person, lets call it JL which stands for JELANGKUNG soalnya mnurut gw pribadi dia suka dtg tanpa diundang, tp beda dari jelangkung kebanyakan... dia klo pulang minta diantar :D

So, JL adalah manusia yg disebelin (if you don't want to call it 'hate') almost by a majority of my angkatan (angkatan 9!). Reasons why?
  1. Super peritungan soal duit.
  2. Super pelit.
  3. Super duper pelit.
  4. Super maruk.
  5. Super pede.
  6. Super ga punya urat malu (aka super pede jg sih).
  7. Super kepengen tau EVERYTHING that is currently happening around it.
  8. Super kepengen jadi a part of the community.
  9. Super suka maksa.
  10. Super (I'm really sorry) slutty, bitchy, nastey.
Itu baru beberapa dari sekian banyak lagi alasan, and itu jg baru dr gw pribadi. SO yes, back to topic..... This person udah berulang kali ngalahin rekor org2 pelit di angkatan, well, ada lah BANYAK BANGET orang2 pelit di angkatan (including moi!) 9. Tp yg paling sering jadi buah bibir adalah diriNYA dan lesbiannya :)

Mau tau? Dia dan lesbiannya itu yg namanya soal makanan and duit itu, wuiiihhh, obses! Saking obsesnya, kalo ada org yg minta, dengan cara apa pun lo minta, ga bakalan deh dikasih! Trust me. Klo pun dikasih, brarti ada beberapa possibilities why they gave you:
  1. They don't like the food.
  2. They think the food sucks ass.
  3. They wanna be your friend/closer to you.
  4. They wanna be a part of your community.
  5. They just wanna share. (Hey! Sekesel2nya gw sm dia, gw ttp berpikiran sehatlah :))
My friend once told me "Iya tuh Mel, gw prnh kan dulu ngutang sama lesbiannya, trus gw kurang gt 500 perak, eh teteup loh ditagih sama dia". Tunggu dulu, itu baru satu case, ada lagi case2 yg lain:

It happened to me. So wkt itu I borrowed her money skitar 10 ribu, gw kan males bawa dompet klo ke kantin coz I rarely buy the food there jd gw suka lupa bawa utang gw kan. Nah, wkt itu pas break gw ngutangnya. Langsung loh pas gw mau minjem dia terang2an blg "Ntar dibalikin cpt ya lo! Awas!" trus pas lunch "Mel, duit gw mana?" Kan gw blg "Duh, lupa gw. Tar lo ingetin gw deh ya klo gw ke loker." And it said "Aduh, harusnya kan elo yg responsible dong. Masa gw hrs yg ngingetin lo trus??" Nadanya jengkel gt, haha. (Oh and by the way, this also happened to me again cm org yg pelit namanya berbeda, and itu gw cm ngutang 5000 saja loh).

Well, actually there's a WHOLE LOT more of cases to be share here, tp gw gamau blog gw kepanjangan so yes. Enough about the stingy part, now let's talk about the background information why I call it JELANGKUNG.

So, this happened today between me and my friend with an initial of Y.A (haha). I was planning to work out in celfit in PIM 2 today with Y.A, but suddenly when I called Y.A it tells me that JL was coming. I was like "WTF? How can it knew that I'm working out in celfit today?" and yeaa but I changed my mind (thanks to my house for being so jauuuuuuuuh and terpencil and PLN yg lg mau memendam all cables ke bawah tanah yg mengakibatkan macet yg SUPER fatal jd gw males). Later on, Y.A and I chatted about celfit and it told me that it was shocked that JL smsed it earlier asking "Lo sama Melin mau celfit yaa hari ini??". I seriously wanna know HOW dia bs tau apa yg bakal kt kerjain, kemana and sama siapa kt bakal ngerjain and WHY dia mau tau hal2 tersebut?? Seriously dudes..

Oh this had just happened just 6 days ago, when a bunch of friend and I went to this place that I won't tell you the name. So, my friends told me that somehow JL invited herself to come and join us go the this place. Me and my friends laugh. Gw rada ksian and jg sebel sih to be honest, coz gini deh... I'd rather wait and nunggu untuk diajak daripada gw sok2 meng-claim diri gw diajakin pergi sm org2. Drpd lo sok2 nge-claim klo lo tuh diajak, pdhal........ ENGGAK! Yaa, GOOOOOOOOOOON.

Gw mau nulis ah soal experience gw soal spidol gw (and ini gw jg rada2 pelit sih, tp ya hbsnya dia semena2). Nah, minggu trakhir gw di Global, gw minta anak2 utk isi my book. Karena gw baik, gw memprovide them with brand new spidols by stabilo (haha pamer) biar colorful gt dibuku gw. Nah JL kan lg kebagian it turn right, yaudah gw pasrahin deh my book and spidolnya. Nah wkt itu kan TS lg ngebagi2in questionnaires yg anak2 yr 12 kasih, soal award2 gt lah, nah karena si JL ini SUPER TAJIR, dia ga bawa tempat pencil SUPER GEDE dia and dia dengan sangat pede dia pake marker gw warna PINK (saking dendam sampe inget). Wkt gw tanya knp dia pake dia kyk cm nunduk2 doang, dalem hati gw kyk "WTF? You don't answer my faking question dude." Trus gw minta dia untuk kembaliin marker gw ke tempatnya, dia cm geleng2 doang, gitu trus. Gw kesel aja lama2, kok dia bisa semena2 gt sih make marker gw padhal minta izin aja ENGGAK. Tai lu ngepet (wuiizzz..)! Giliran dia, wkt itu kan gw lupa bawa oil paper, gw minta ke dia, dia jawab super ketus gt "Yah, udah abis tuh". Pdhal terang2an masih tebel.. NGEEEEEEEK, hahaha. Ya sudahlah yaa :)

So yes... By writing this whole essays, gw harap siapa pun yg ngerasa sifat2nya kyk gt (that includes me, yg soal pelit) bisa berubah lah. Demi your own safety kok, daripada dimusuhin temen2 lo coba? And, well gw sih ga berharap this JL and lesbiannya baca, cman IF mreka emg beneran baca gw mo ngmg:

Please sadar klo diri lo tuh udah ga disukain sama anak2, are you blind enough smpe2 lo ga bisa liat sekitar lo tuh pada ga suka sama kehadiran lo? Are you deaf enough smpe2 lo ga bisa denger org2 pada ngebackstab elo terang2an? All I'm saying is that I cared about all of you, I did this supaya bikin lo sadar and sebisa mungkin berubah.

Udah ah, capek nih. PANJANG BANGET GILA!!! HAHAHA, bye people!! :)


1 comment:

audi. said...

this blog is uber lengthy.