
Guys + hats = ??

Seriously man, what's wrong with me and guys with hats? - -'
It seems like that's another thing from a guy that attracts me and, ooh I'll tell you, it is oh-so-VERY working! :D

Barusan gw ngeliat photos from err gw gatau sih dia mantan kakak kls gw ato bukan, haha ya so anyway this girl dulu pernah dated this guy, mantan kls kakak gw... seangkatan sih sm cowo gw ya and blablabla now that girl has a new boyfriend and in this albums that she have uploaded - secara gw bosen di rumah gada kerjaan jd gw hovering around all photo albums of my friends' in facebook has uploaded - gw ngeliat her boyfriend tuh somehow familiar with someone I knew. AND! Blom lama yg lalu gw baru sadar dia mirip siapa, he looks VERY similar to my mantan kakak kelas (aka mantan gebetan) di my old school, HAHA! Tp dia yg duluuuu, wkt gw kls 7 and dia kls 10. The kurus one, skrg sih dia udh gendut bngt di Amrik haha. Ya well, anywaaaaayyy... Ya pokoknya her boyfriend reminds me of him. Tb2 gw jadi kangen haha :$

O-ow! :S

OH and about the hat, gmn caranya the "hat" relates to him and her boyfriend... Well obviously because her boyfriend wears hat a lot and that someone from my past jg terkadang suka pake hat with his baggy school pants (and non-school pants) and bands tee and rantai from his wallet, oh my..... jaman batu banget HAHA! Oh well, cm nostalgila aja kok:p Gapapa kan yaa? ;) Anyway, I used to called him "dede" since he always called me "kaka" when we were playing "Ragnarok", yep! Waaaayyyy back in 2003, tee hee :)

No this time I asked it seriously... What's up with guys and their hats? Gw udah berkali2 attracted to a guy just because he's wearing a HAT! A HAT! Balabalaboo! - -'


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