
First week of April

WEEY, skrg sudah jam 9 dan saya sudah bangun dr jam 8! WEEEE, knapa Mel udh bangun? Gatau kebangun aja, kyknya sih gara2 ada yg ngangenin dan manggil2 gue untuk bangun pagi (baca: Rio aka pacar gue yg nyebelin tp ngangenin bhahaha).

OKAY, stulnya gue gatau mau nulis apa tapi I'll probably summarizes all the things that I've done for this week :D

The day that I wrote my latest post, right? Hmm, I'm feeling down, ecstatic, stupid, silly, etc. I couldn't figure out what is wrong with me that day and daaaaaaaaays before that, I guess it's because I'm having my period soon so my mood swings are EXTREMELY swinging. Bhahaha :D

Still the same ol' feelin as the day before, so couldn't bother to describe it again.

Can't exactly remember what I did that day, errr... Lemme reminisce for a while.

*thinking, reminisce*

I THINK I just stayed at home and do my routines as always, nothing fun except the fact that I'm having my first time to elect in the PEMILU 2009 the next day so I'm quite nervous and excited at the same time. I know, I shouldn't be I mean it's just a... apa sih kmrn election daerah doang kan? Yeah, jadi ga terlalu penting but STILL! FIRST TIME TO ELECT PEOPLE MAN, who wouldn't be so excited? (Trs tar ada yg jwb "Gw ga excited kok, Mel")

Well, basically I'm a girl that can easily feels so excited at almost anything I'll do, hee so... mind me (;

First time, first time!

But I was feeling all fucked up in the morning cause my maid, my brother and my mom woke me up since like 7 AM! WHAT THE HECK?!

OKAY, for your info... Gue org yg simple sbtulnya. Mood gue 1 hari itu ditentukan oleh saat gue terbangun di pagi hari, jadi if I woke up feeling as happy as a cinderella (yg udh dikawinin loh bkn yg msh jd pembantu), feeling itu akan terus berlanjut sampai yaa hopefully 6-12 hours lah hehe. BUT, if I woke up feeling as shit as a buronan yg udah kabur berbulan2 dr kejaran polisi (ok, gue lebay) itu bakal bener2 bikin lo males ngeliat, ngmg, deket2 sm gue untuk 1 hari itu. Dan sangatlah sulit bikin gue merasa enakkan, well except Mark Hoppus kiss me that would be another story. Hee (;

DAN, most of the time when I feel that way that's probably because someone woke me up dengan cara yg salah. CONTOH: ngagetin dengan ngebuka pintu tiba2, ngagetin dengan menggoyang2kan badan gue dengan heboh, berteriak2 ke gue, dll. That occurs very often, and that is why gue jg jd sering bete. HAHA.

ANOTHER EXAMPLE: gue bangun karena terpaksa. Either that's because I HAD TO woke up or karena gue sakit perut. Duh udah deh kalo yg trakhir gue nyerah. Mau gue terusin lg tidurnya, gbs harus diurusin dulu. Dan biasanya itu bener2 bikin gue maleeeeeees ngapa2in seharian, bad mood bzz - -'

Maka dari itu I rarely woke up before ten, cause at those hours my stomach sedang sensi banget. AND I rarely eat before 12 cause during those hours kalo perut gue dikasih makan, PASTI gue sakit perut aaaaaaaaaaaaaand that will results, me being bad mood or at least have a great mood swings the whole entire day. Muahahaha >: D

Eeh, kok gue jd ngelantur yaa?

SO anyway, what I did that day was first woke up at 9.30 AM, get a shower and getting ready for election. I arrived at the TPS thingy near my house at errr, 11ish AM. Stayed there until 12.30ish PM cause I had to wait. Stulnya giliran gue nomer 29, tp krn baru dateng jam segitu jdnya gue dan nyokap dpt giliran 243 dan 244. HAHA.

After the election, I had to wait for a friend of mine to pick me up cause we're having an 'after party'. Hee. We're supposed to go to Puncak but then feeling doi mengatakan tidak bagus, so we canceled. We ended up at PIM from 4-ish PM until 11 PM.

What we did?
Excellent question! Jd, smula mau nonton WHISPER (I WAAAAANT TO WATCH THIS SO BAD) but then I mixed up the cinema. Gue kira Whisper ada di PIM 1, ternyata di PIM 2. Dan teman gue ingin nonton Fast&Furious 4 dan ternyata ada di PIM 1, alhasil yaudah gue mengalah. Trs pengennya nonton yg jam 5, tapi abis smpe yg jam 7 malem. Gila emang. Trs yaudah terpaksa nonton yg jam 9. GILA ITU PIM UDAH BERASA RUMAH SENDIRI DEH! Gue muter2in every possible floors and corners of PIM 1 and 2, bzz udah cengo banget sumprit.

Okay, after we watched the movie gue tiba2 merasa ingin makan mie (krn di film itu ada Chinese take out) tp di sini kan jrg ada jd gue pngn mie abang2. We've looked out almost every possible streets dr arteri, radal, SAMPAI BINTARO tp ga nemu. Akhirnya nemu di mayestik, yaudah makan. Ih tp pas minum teh anget, itu mas2nya ngga nyantai ngasih gulanya. BANYAK GILA! Alhasil gue enek bener2 enek habis itu, hih.

Bangun jam 10 krn alarmku tersayang (lagunya The Piano Song loh :p), trs gue ngecek HP dan mendapatkan text mssges and fb. TP krn sangat ngantuk gue tidur lg. Jam 11an bngn krn tmn gue nelfon, tp krn tau gue msh belom kumpul nyawanya dia membiarkan gue tidur. Jam 12.45 akhirnya gue br bener2 bangun. Ngecek HP ada sms, miss calls and fb notifications. Bzz. Gue tlfonlah tmn gue itu, oh dan ternyata dia ingin bertamu. Asiik, senang gue tidak harus sendiri di rumah!

Jd seharian we watched TV, trs makan ayam goreng di deket Cinere Mall trs pulang trus nonton trs bercanda2, ketawa ketiwi, blablabla. Oh trus ke Alfa Mart gr2 nyokap minta dibeliin beberapa keperluan rumah tangga, bzzz. Yaudah, thats how I spent yesterday.

I couldn't say anything yet cause I haven't been doing anything except check my phone found out my bf texted me and that's kinda makes me happy cause I finally know he's back :D Then I went online and found out he's online in fb, so we chatted and blablabla. AHH njiiiing, kangen deh. Hehe :p


Gw akan hunting kuliner! HORE :D Bersama kembaran gue, Dandi/Ranmo. Asik asik :D Sekalian kopi darat hehe.

If you're wondering why am I doing this, ini buat ABJAD (an online magazine that I contribute with) and I'm handling the culinary section also the photographer for that magazine. Jadi besok saya akan mencicipi tema masakan edisi kali ini which is JAKARTA (Krn first edition akan dipublish berkisar/mendekati ULTAH JKT), so yeah. Gue mengajak Ran krn pertama: gue males sendirian dan kedua dia mau gue ajakkin jd ya hahahahaha makasih Ranmo, muaaaahh :D He's also the photographer for ABJAD makanya gue ajakkin hee, but still just in case gue menemukan object yaa I'll bring my honeyboneysweetiepie ♥

See you soon!


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