
Which came first: music or the misery?

Todaaaaaay, I woke up very early... Well actually, for the past week or two I always woke up (very) early. Wanna know why? SUBUH PRAYER! hihi :p

I did my math exam today and: *DENG-DENG* I failed. Hhh, gosh. Mau jd apa gue kyk tar gede kl skolah g niat kyk gini? Haha *sigh*.

I am very very emotional this could of weeks, hh I wonder why. Well I do have a couple of possibilities:

  1. It's the beginning of new month, which means I got about two weeks or so until my period starts again (Kl skrg sih cm tinggal nunggu less than 3 days). Gara2 ini nih, gw makan udah kayak babi. Serius2, gw ga hiperbol this time... Tanya aja ke org2 rumah and Audi haha dia witness scara tdk langsung gue makan mulu. Soalnya gue ini tipe org yg bener2 gbs makan byk, kl makan banyak gue jd sakit perut kyk pengen ke toilet gt tp gbs. Ya mirip2 kl cewe mau dkt2in tgl2 dpt lah sakit perutnya. Tapi pi pi pi.... gue makannya - sayangnya - makanan yg g sehat mulu gt aka JUNK FOOD! No wonder lemak bertambah tp daya tahan otak menurun gila2an.
  2. Pressure from school - which is very obvious, it's almost the end of the '07/'08 school year. But I don't know why, even if I have this whole pressure and stuff from school, my passion and intention to study isn't increasing. Jangankan naik, mending cuma turun biasa, ini turun gila2an smpe2 kmrn gue smpt ngbrlin sm Audi kalo gue mau ganti jurusan and quit school buat lngsg college, wanna know what I'm interested to take now? ART! Well, lebih ke photography sih, gr2: I CAN'T DRAAAAAAW! Tp Audi blg dia mau ngajarin sih nanti, whore-ay! But I don't know, it is a big decision. Hmm, saran dong saran doong..
  3. Audi's most wonderful internet in this whole wide UNIVERSE! *NOT*. Sukaaaaaa bgt bikin gue sm Audi brantem, pdhal masalah spele tp bener2 ngena bgt tau ga. Lg asik ngbrl, tb2 *TUT... TUT... (bkn manggil siapa pun yg namanya Tutut loh)* mati aja gt dengan seenaknya. Sm kyk burung yg suka b*ker di sembarang tmpt, or cowok yg suka pipis dibalik2 semak, HAHA! Ya intinya, internet dia itu udah jadi blacklist non-living thing gue deh!

Ya, so anywaaaay.... Yeah, that's probably the most reasonable reasons I can think of right now. Gimana bs bikin gue hidup dengan damai coba? I tend to get pissed very easily than usual, even the most small, unimportant, silly thing you could imagine can make me pissed. E.g.: Audi's lemotness. Pdhal stulnya gue udah biasa gt sm lemotnya dia yg naudzubillah, kyk computer pentium 2 gt (haha Audi, aku bcanda ya).

Yaudahlah yaa... Maybe this is the kind of condition God wants me to face right now, I gotta be patient then :)

Oke dechzzzz, I'll see you whenever I see you ;D

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