So for the past week I've been watching How I Met Your Mother, season 1. It kinda reminds me of a group of people that I knew that always hang with the same person for over, oh I don't know, more than 6 years?
Menurut gue itu aneh. Don't get mad at me or anything, I'm just saying from my point of view. Karena apa yah, I mean, oke lah kalo lo berteman bisa selama itu dan it's awesome to know that. It would be totally normal if you just hang for like every couple of weeks, or yah seminggu sekali on weekend would be great. But, every 2-3 days? Seriously, guys?
Gue emang bukan tipe orang yang bergaul dengan orang yang sama terus-terusan, and selama itu. I get bored easily if I stick for too long with the same group of people. I don't say what those people are doing is weird or anything but, seriously? Every 2-3 days?
Dari kecil gue selalu pindah-pindah. I was born in Jogja, lived for a few years in Surabaya, started staying in Jakarta when I was 3 until 7 then moved again to Jogja for less than a year and after that I stayed in Jakarta my whole life (or at least, up until this second). Sekolah gue pun juga pindah-pindah, tapi setelah umur 8 I always went to the same school sampe gue graduate in every level. SD 2 cawu 2 sampe lulus SD gue di SD Gunung 01 Kebayoran Lama. Gue pengeeeen banget bisa lanjutin ke SMP 11 atau 19 bareng temen-temen SD gue yg lain, tp orang tua ngelarang karena denger rumors kurang baik tentang sekolah itu. So I went to this stupid school named Delima School in Kemang. Secara emang dari awal gue sangat sangat tidak suka dan tidak setuju untuk sekolah di situ, jadi gue cuma mampu bertahan untuk 1 semester. And thank God akhirnya orang tua gue sepemikiran kalo Delima emang yah, sucky.
So then my parents moved me to Global Jaya di Bintaro. I survived there until I'm in year 11. Dan di sana pun gue main selalu sama orang yang berbeda, I only stick to this one person that I called my bestest friend, namanya Adelia Arif. But she moved when we graduate junior high, so there I am... best friend-less. But even so, gue tetep contact sama dia. Kita tetep selalu jalan bareng every few months, and that's it.
Mungkin emang dasarnya gue bukan tipe orang yang bisa terbuka dan menganggap semua orang sebagai "teman baik gue loh" or "you're my bestest best best friend EVER" dan ini bukan juga merupakan sebuah kesalahan, karena emang it's hard for me to trust people cause I've gone through a lot of problems with trust.
But the thing I want to point out is: why do you hang with the same people every single day for more than 6 years? Don't you get bored seeing them all the time? Don't you have any other friends you can hang other than them in a regular basis? Don't you have any boyfriend/girlfriend that you should taken care of? Will you ever have enough?
Maksud gue, kalo lo punya pacar tapi terus-terusan ketemu sahabat lo dan lo jadi mentelantarkan pacar lo... Ngapain lo cari pacar? Pacarin aja sana sahabat lo! I guess they just got too comfortable with their little comfy zone. I'm not saying it's not cool or anything, but it's just... super weird for me. Dan itu merugikan buat orang lain.
PS: bagi yang ngerasa, please jangan marah. This is just my curiousity and I just could not answer it, so I'm writing it in my blog so if the future me opens up this post again, I'm hoping she could finally have the answer(s). Peace out \m/
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